Education Management Committee

The Education Committee is responsible for the development and implementation of the International Institute of Marketing Professionals’ (IIMP®) seminars and educational programs globally, in order to support marketing designations and professional development programs for IIMP® members and non-members – practitioners, academicians and industry professionals.

Committee Members
Senior Vice President Education, Dr. Anne-Flore Maman Larraufie, PhD (Business Admin)
Vice President Education, Tahir Khurshid, MBA, PhD (Marketing) Candidate
Associate Vice President Education, Mark Kustra, MBA, PhD Candidate
Senior Education Director, Keith Carrington, MBA, JD Candidate
Senior Education Director, Anthony Francescucci, MBA, DBA Candidate
Education Director, Md. Shamsuzzaman Zaman, MBA (Marketing)
Education Director, Arsenio Bonifacio, MBA
Senior Education Manager, Muhammad Sayem, MBA, PhD Candidate
Education Marketing Associate, Ahmad Yassin, BA (Marketing & Business)

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