Advisory Board and Councils
Advisory Board and Councils of IIMP®
Advisory Board and Councils:
1. Internationally Accepted Marketing Standards Board (IAMSB)
2. International Advisory Council for the Marketing Profession (IACMP)
3. Advisory Council of Marketing Practitioners (ACMP)
1. Internationally Accepted Marketing Standards Board (IAMSB)
Main objectives of IAMSB:
1) Setting the highest quality standards for the marketing profession.
2) Guide the progression of the Internationally Accepted Marketing Standards (IAMST)
Handbook by providing valuable insight.
3) Communicate and collaborate with the International Advisory Council for Marketing
Profession (IACMP) in order to develop Internationally Accepted Marketing Standards.
4) Advise on practical techniques that can be used in order to facilitate the implementation
of Internationally Accepted Marketing Standards (IAMST) world wide.
The Internationally Accepted Marketing Standards Board (IAMSB) will consist of academic leaders, consultants and business professionals with expertise and experience in the field of marketing. The IAMSB Board will communicate and collaborate with the International Advisory Council for the Marketing Profession (IACMP) who will provide the board with their valuable input on the development and implementation of Internationally Accepted Marketing Standards (IAMST) and designations that are offered by IIMP®.
The participation in the IAMS Board will enable members to contribute to the advancement of the marketing designations by expressing their opinions on what should be published in the Internationally Accepted Marketing Standards (IAMS) Handbook, which will contain a description of generally accepted marketing practices. These board members will also share their perspectives and review the handbook on a regular basis in order to guide the progression of the IAMST Handbook throughout its development.
2. International Advisory Council for the Marketing Profession (IACMP)
Main Objectives of IACMP:
1) Represent Marketing Professionals from different geographical areas.
2) Guide the progression of the IAMS Handbook by providing valuable insight.
3) Provide input to Internationally Accepted Marketing Standards Board (IAMSB) in
development of Internationally Accepted Marketing Standards (IAMST).
4) Promote the implementation of Internationally Accepted Marketing Standards (IAMS)
within their country or region.
The International Advisory Council for the Marketing Profession (IACMP) will consist of a broad cross-section of academic leaders, consultants and business professionals with extensive experience and expertise in the marketing field. Each of these council members will represent a different country and will be able to contribute by expressing their points of view on contemporary marketing profession issues in their particular country or region.
The International Advisory Council for the Marketing Profession (IACMP) will communicate and collaborate with the Internationally Accepted Marketing Standards Board (IAMSB), in order to provide advice on the implementation of IAMST in their country and region and the establishment of the Certified Marketing Management Professional (CMMP®) designation that are offered by IIMP®.
Furthermore, the participation in the International Advisory Council for the Marketing Profession (IACMP) will enable members to contribute to the advancement of the marketing profession within their own country or region by expressing their opinions on what should be published in the Internationally Accepted Marketing Standards (IAMST) Handbook which will contain a description of internationally accepted marketing practices.
3. Advisory Council of Marketing Practitioners (ACMP)
Main Objectives of ACMP:
1) Communicate and collaborate with the Internationally Accepted Marketing Standards
(IAMST) Committee of IIMP®, in order to aid development of marketing designations.
2) Guide the progression of the IAMST Handbook by providing valuable insight
3) Provide feedback based upon their practical experiences and review the development
and implementation of Internationally Accepted Marketing Standards (IAMST) Handbook.
The Advisory Council of Marketing Practitioners (ACMP) will consist of practitioners working within the areas of marketing at management levels. These council members will be able to contribute by providing feedback based upon their practical experiences and review the development and implementation of the Internationally Accepted Marketing Standards (IAMST) Handbook. The council will communicate and collaborate with the Internationally Accepted Marketing Standards (IAMST) Committee of IIMP™, in order to provide their valuable input and review the development of the Certified Marketing Management Professional (CMMP®) designation.
The council’s mandate will consist of sharing and reviewing interview data to make recommendations toward the advancement of marketing practices. The council’s roll will be a vital force in the development and establishment of the Internationally Accepted Marketing Standards (IAMST) Handbook due to their insight about marketing practices that are being applied in the contemporary marketing field.
Other Related Links:
– Advisory Benefits
– IAMSB Advisory Board Members
– IACMP Advisory Council Members
– ACMP Advisory Council Members
– Advisory Agreement
Joining the Board or Councils:
IIMP® is currently looking for individuals to join the above board or councils as volunteers, if you have appropriate related credentials combined with extensive industry experience in marketing:
Please click here to join Board or Councils