IIMP® Certified Partner Centres and Certified Study Centres

These institutions have gone through an assessment program offered by the IIMP® and have achieved a status of an “IIMP® Certified Study Centre” or “IIMP® Certified Partner Centre”. The IIMP® Certified Study Centres and Certified Partner Centre are equipped to deliver training courses for completing the necessary topics of CMMP® designations in accordance to contents stated in the CMMP® handbook and prepare candidates to write final exam given by the IIMP®’s head office, in order to earn CMMP® designations.


Current Certified Centres:

Certified Marketing Management Professionals of Canada
900 Albion Road, Bldg #1, Suite #100
Toronto, ON M9V 1A0, Canada
Phone: (647) 799-0088
Email: info@cmmp.ca
Website: www.cmmp.ca

Programs Offered:
– Associate CMMP® Preparation
– Manager CMMP® Preparation
– Executive CMMP® Preparation
– Chartered CMMP® Preparation

AlFaisal International Academy 
2365 Imam Saud Ibn Abdulaziz Rr.
King Fahed District
Riyadh 12273, Saudi Arabia
Phone: +966 (112759593)
Website: http://www.alfac.edu.sa/

Programs Offered:
– Associate CMMP® Preparation
– Manager CMMP® Preparation
– Executive CMMP® Preparation

Elite Training Pros
116 Orenda Road Suite #2nd
Brampton, L6W 3W6
Ontario, Canada
Phone: 416-822-2655
Email: info@elitetrainingpros.com
Website: www.elitetrainingpros.com

Program Offered:
– Associate CMMP® Preparation
– Manager CMMP® Preparation


Bilston Community College
1st Floor, 366-372 Soho Road
Birmingham, B21 9QL. England
Phone: +44 (0)121 270 3999
Email: info@bccolege.co.uk
Website: www.bccolege.co.uk

Program Offered:
– Associate CMMP® Preparation 


Columbia Commonwealth Univeristy
Blantyre Campus – Malawi Posts Corporation, Blantyre
Website: http://www.ccwum.org

Programs Offered:
– Executive CMMP Preparation

Currently, the Academic Accreditation Committee at IIMP® is contacting, evaluating, recognizing and accrediting education programs which are focused and able to provide a concrete foundation towards meeting academic requirements to enter CMMP designation.

If you are a representative of a higher educational institution, University/College, and would like to learn further about our academic accreditation process, please contact us: Authorized Education Centres Program
