International Journal of Marketing Principles and Practices – IJMPP – Volume 3 – Issue 1
Volume 3, Issue 1, February 2013 – Editorial
The third volume of the International Journal of Marketing Principles and Practices (IJMPP) brings our affirmation of consistently following the distinguished path of marketing, based on melting together the insights emerging from theory, practice and experimental research. The Journal supports the efforts of International Institute of Marketing Professionals for developing and implementing Internationally Accepted Marketing Standards (IAMST) and preparation of the Certified Marketing Management Professional (CMMP®).
We are confident that the highest level of marketing professionalism integrates both talent and education, as it enables going right to the heart of the matter by deploying CMMP® empowered marketing knowledge to practice.
The journal publishes articles of recognized marketing specialists, scientists and practitioners who generously share their knowledge, experience and research results and contribute to fostering marketing profession. The four articles included to the 3rd volume of the IJMPP journal present the research works exploring complexity and long-term continuous impact of marketing processes in the
domain areas of business, education and across borders, in the global settings.
The first article provides in-depth study of persuasive communication and the role of unconscious and emotional levers in customer purchasing decisions by formulating a Model for Hypnotic Communication in the Consumption Experiences. The article is offered by the author team of research associates Irene Prete, Marco Pichierri, Barbara Bleve leaded by full professor of marketing Gianluigi Guido from Facoltà di Economia, Università del Salento, Lecce (Italy).
The second article by dr. Riteshkumar Dalwadi of Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning in Toronto, Canada explores power of global brands as perceived by customers. The article reveals influential features of defining brands in a global market and specific protective measures to be taken for preventing any infringement for brands as internationally transferable assets.
Customer loyalty is one of the most urgent problems widely discussed among marketing specialists in business companies and in research community. The third article of the current volume assistant professor dr. Jyoti Kainth (Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad, India) and associate professor dr. Harsh V Verma (Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi, India) penetrates to the problem of customer loyalty in the relatively weakly explored area of the non-business sector of high education. The experimental analysis and result validation enable authors to define predictors for attitudinal brand loyalty in the higher education industry context as the four types of Value: Image, Functional, Actor Extrinsic and Economic value.
The fourth article is presented by the authors assistant professor dr. Purna Prabhakar Nandamuri (IBS, IFHE University, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India) and assistant professor Gowthami, Ch. (ITM Business School, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh, India). The article covers the problem of forecasting the interest to consumer durables in the market of India, where the current level of penetration for
these goods is extremely low. The authors point to very specific features defining potential of this market, including its enormous size, concentration of potential users in rural areas, recent changes in lifestyles, the largest chunk of youthful population in all clusters of income, and specific structure of the market as a compilation of unique little markets. The research puts emphasize that the main factors shaping the market are very different from the mature markets outside India, which encourages searching for innovative methods to define the speed and direction for its development.
We are very proud to bring to your attention the third volume of the journal which continues the series of the editions established and managed by its first Editor-in -Chief Phd. Christophe Bisson. We are grateful for his visionary and expertise which enabled the successful launch of the journal and sustained the skillful and discerning editorial team.
We would like to thank all the authors who selected IJMPP for submitting their papers to be selected for making them widely available to the readership of marketing professionals.
Dr. Dalia Kriksciuniene
Editor-in-Chief of IJMPP
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